Keeping the
School Community
This is your source for current information on the school’s health guidelines and procedures. For questions please contact Vince d'Assis, Ivy Summers, or Susie Kohl.
Revised Health Guidelines
We are slightly easing our school guidelines for social gatherings, participation in youth sports, and travel by car to reflect the county’s recent move back to the purple tier. These are the measures our families and staff members and their families need to take in order to not be placed on a 14-day quarantine from the school.
Social Gatherings
Though the county now allows outdoor social gatherings with masks and social distancing for up to 25 people and three or fewer households, we ask that you be extremely cautious in your decisions to gather with others, as COVID rates are still very high.
- To minimize possible spread of disease, we ask families to choose up to two other households and gather only with those households outdoors with masks and social distancing. For example, please try not to gather with two households this weekend and two different households next weekend.
Families members who do NOT live with you count as a separate household.
Outdoor Sports
We know this will likely be the most difficult restriction. We cannot afford the risk of having children on campus who are also in other groups. This includes social bubbles that had previously been allowed: No gathering with people who are not in your household.
In the purple tier, low-contact outdoor sports are now permitted with masks and social distancing.
Low-contact sports are defined as "individual or small-group sports where contact within six feet of other participants can be avoided. Some of these sports have relatively low exertion rates that allow for consistent wearing of face coverings when within six feet of other people."
Meher School families may participate in low-contact outdoor sports without being required to quarantine.
Click here for the full list of low-contact outdoor sports.
Even though local sports leagues are registering families for moderate-contact sports or indoor sports, Meher School families may not participate in moderate-contact or indoor sports at this time if they want to remain in our on-campus programs. These will be permitted when we reach the appropriate tier.
If you have questions about whether or not a sport is currently allowed, please contact Ivy ([email protected]) or Vince ([email protected]).
For those traveling by car, we’re returning to our travel guidelines from last fall:
- Traveling by car within California does not require you to quarantine if you stay six feet away from others outside your current cohort on your trip, always wear a mask around others outside your cohort, keep exposure in public places (stores, restaurants, etc.) to less than 15 minutes, and avoid crowds and group gatherings. If you travel out of state, you’ll be required to quarantine for 14 days upon your return.
Our policy on air travel, however, remains unchanged for now:
- Air travel requires a 14-day quarantine from school. Those who travel by air need to wait the full 14 days before returning to campus. A negative COVID test before 14 days would not allow a child to return earlier than that.