These are downloadable versions of forms that are found in the "Parent Section" in the Office and are used year-round. To download a form, click its title (or "click here"). For forms that must be returned by a specific date, see "Deadlines" on our home page.
Badge Request Form. Lose your name badge? Need one for a spouse or someone who will be dropping off or picking up your child on a regular basis? This is the form to use. After downloading it, you can either fill it out on your computer or longhand (please print), then leave it in the Office Drop Box.
Changes to Information / Emergency Form. We're no longer using the paper version of this form. Changes in your address, phone number, e-mail address, emergency contacts, medical issues, and who will regularly be dropping off or picking up your child are now done through Curacubby. Please keep this information up to date!
Parent/Employee Incident/Concern Report. Please see the Child Safety Program section of your Parent Handbook for a discussion of this form and its use.
Parent & Staff Business Directory submission form. This is the form to use to submit a listing to the directory. Click the link at left to open the directory.
Parent Participation form: Looking for a way to become more involved in the Meher Schools community? There's no better way than volunteering. This form lists more than a dozen volunteer roles for parents, some ongoing, some one-time or occasional. Whatever your availability and interests, chances are we have something for you!
Parking. The Meher Schools parking plan is designed to make dropping off and picking up children flow more smoothly and our parking areas safer. Click here for an overview of our parking plan; click here for a map of parking areas.
Schedule Change Request: Permanent. We’re no longer using this form, which was used to request changes in a child’s daycare hours or the days a preschooler attends. For preschool schedule changes, please email Susie Kohl. For elementary changes, email [email protected].
Special Activities Form. If you need to make temporary pick-up arrangements for your elementary child while he or she is participating in a team sport, this is the form to use.
Transcript Release Form. Use this form to release your K–5 child's transcripts to another school if he or she is transferring or your fifth grader is graduating. You have two options: we can send them for you, or you can hand-carry them to the new school. You can leave your form in the Office Drop Box or email it to [email protected] or [email protected].
Wednesday Messages “Bulletin Board” submission form. We publish notices from Meher Schools parents and staff as a service to the families of our students. Items are subject to approval and published on a space-available basis. Click here to download the form. Email your form to [email protected] or drop it off in the Office.